Celebrity Tattoo Art ONLINE

Different Tattoo Lettering Designs

Over the centuries people have used pictures to display their intentions for all to see; however, as with every new era, a new phenomenon is emerging in the form of tattoo lettering. Italic tattoo lettering is one of hundreds of font styles for you to choose from. However the italic font is one that shows off the most class and is an absolutely beautiful way to express yourself.

A popular, yet personal, way that many people choose to incorporate lettering into a tattoo is to have it within or accompanying a picture tattoo. In that way you can feature the best of both worlds in one tattoo and still keep the personal meaning you want.

While the most popular and commonly thought of color to use is black, do not limit yourself. Try your favorite color or a mixture of colors, even a rainbow within the text, to give your italic tattoo lettering a higher sense of creativity, uniqueness and personality. After all, your tattoo will speak about you and for you for the rest of your life.

Choosing what text to ink on your body is probably the second most important thing to consider when deciding on getting italic tattoo lettering, the first being the font itself. You want something that is meaningful and uniquely yours, yet at the same time you probably do not want a tattoo that will either upset or throw people for a loop when trying to figure out what it means and then why you chose it. That is, of course, unless that is your intention.

Another thing you should put under high consideration is where to put your italic tattoo lettering. Many people, men and women alike, are opting to have it inked on their backs. The main reason being is that your back is the largest and most flat area of your body, which makes it a great blank canvas for many different tattoos, especially those that are larger or contain phrases. Women seem to find that putting italic tattoo lettering on their lower backs adds a bit of sex appeal, while men seem to use their entire back for such displays.

Either way you go, it is sure to be a great piece that you will treasure for the rest of your life. Whether you want to have your name, your child’s name (or your children’s names), your zodiac sign, your pet’s name, your favorite phrase or anything else you can think of, italic tattoo lettering is the perfect solution for just about everything.

Remember to put some thought into where you want to put your italic tattoo lettering since that will be a permanent mark for years to come; and, of course, do not forget to be creative in the color or colors you choose. You want to make this something that is yours and yours alone. No matter what you choose to write and where you choose to write it, it is sure to be a striking piece of art that everyone will enjoy.

Flower Tattoo Designs

If you are planning to get a permanent tattoo, remember, a good body ink can be expensive and painful too. Price wise, black color tattoos are always cheaper in comparison to colored ones. To care for the tattoo, you have to take care of your skin for a week after the ink has been marked permanently into your skin. You must also apply cream on it daily.

If you are looking for a good tattoo design, why not consider flower patterns. Flower designs are unique because they are often combined with butterflies and hearts. Different types of flowers will portray different meaning. With so many types of flowers available, the choices are endless.

The job of a good tattoo artist is to enhance the design is such a way that a simple flower pattern also looks unique and marvelous. The cost of getting inked usually depends on the size and the complexity of the tattoo. Many floral tattoo designs can be found on the web which you can and print it out and hand it to your tattoo artist.

Nowadays, tattoos are so much in trend that there are so many tattoo parlors around us. Make sure you choose a professional tattoo artist for this purpose as a tattoo will be etched to your body forever.

Before you proceed with inking the flower design, you must be relaxed and clam and must be mentally prepared for the amount of pain you are going to experience. The tattoo artist will use a gun shaped apparatus with colored pigment to draw the outline of the flower on your skin. Next, different colors will be painted to bring out the brilliance of the floral design.

Remember, permanent tattoos are forever. If you wish to remove it, you have to go through some painful ordeal. To remove your tattoo, you can go for either Intense Pulsed Light Therapy or Surgical Excision. Both procedure for tattoo removal are painful and will leave a long lasting scar.

Are you looking for more flower tattoo designs for a new ink? If you are, check out the Chopper Tattoo and Tattoo Me Now web sites. These are online portals with large collection of unique tattoo designs on the web. With so many patterns in their inventory, you are bound to find your perfect floral pattern for your new tattoo. Are these online tattoo patterns directory worth your investment? Do your own research by reading all the Chopper Tattoo reviews and TattooMeNow reviews on the internet to find the answer.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Many girls looking to get a butterfly tattoo eventually have to decide on size. This can be the hardest decision when getting a butterfly tattoo.

Size can make all the difference. You can have the best butterfly tattoo there is, but if it’s not the proper size then it can look not as good as it should.

Let’s look at the big vs. small option you have with butterfly designs:

BIG BUTTERFLY DESIGN. Honestly, a big butterfly can look pretty ridiculous. Butterflies are usually small, delicate, and beautiful creatures and trying to blow them up into mega insects doesn’t always work. However, there are some designs out there that can work well blown up big and beautiful, but in general you probably want to lean on the side of smaller is better for this design.

Now, having said that:

SMALL BUTTERFLY DESIGN. There are some TINY butterfly tattoos out there that look more like mosquito’s than beautiful butterflies. Going TOO SMALL is definitely not doing the butterfly justice. This is a great tattoo to get and you should take advantage of the beautiful, colorful and intricate quality this design possesses. Going too small won’t cut it.

Recommending a “medium size” can be too vague as some peoples mediums are other peoples extra larges. And body size and tattoo placement can distort what medium means from person to person.

Conclusion: Lean towards a smaller sized butterfly as opposed to something big, but don’t make it tiny! Play around with different small sizes and you should see the correct size “pop out” at you when the proportion is correct, and the detail is present.

Henna Tattoos

Many people want a tattoo but find themselves either uncertain as to whether or not they want their body decorated permanently or they do not want to undergo the pain associated with tattoo machines. A henna tattoo is a great alternative to the more mainstream tattooing and it is not permanent. This ancient art form has become much more mainstream thanks to a revival in Indian and Asian influenced designs.

Have you ever looked closely at a henna design? The attention to detail is simply amazing. These designs are rich and vibrant with color. Artists that create these designs are always proud to show you there work. Just request to see a portfolio of designs and the artist is more than happy to show off their beautiful work. You can also choose from one of these designs and have in tattooed on any part of your body, although the most common body parts fro henna are hands and feet.

One of the benefits of Henna is that it is a natural product. As such there is a great leeway for experimentation in design. Traditional designs do not have to be used and there are many kits available that include design patterns. Tattoo removal is simply the skin replenishing the cells and forcing the dye out of the body. There are tattoo studios that do offer permanent designs that resemble the henna tattoo. These tattoos are put into place with the typical tattoo machines but use a red dye that will remain permanent.

A note of caution concerning henna is the use of a product labeled as "black henna" or an indigo. The natural does not come in dark shades. The dark colors are actually made by combining henna with a chemical. There can be very harsh side effects such as skin blistering. As with any product, even a natural one, there can be allergic reactions. This is particularly true if the individual has a rare genetic condition called a G6PD deficiency. In large doses the dye molecule in henna can be fatal. If it is unknown whether or not henna will cause an allergic reaction it is best to do a small skin test.

Sexy Tattoo Ideas

When a female has decided to get a tattoo coping with the pain is the easy part, picking a design that will speak to her soul but also make her feel sexy is the real trick. Many woman have no idea what to get a tattoo of much less how getting the right tattoo design will positively effect there self esteem.

A classic tattoo idea is to tattoo tribal or flower designs along the lower back. Always a feminine spot to get a tattoo the lower back is probably the sexiest place a woman can get work done. Unlike other parts of the body where the subject matter must be considered,most tattoo designs no matter what the subject matter will look cute and girlish on the lower back.

A small symbol looks quite sexy peeking from the nape of a female’s neck. A big part of the draw of female tattoos is only seeing part of the tattoo adding to the mystery of the design. This is exactly the case with neck tattoos. Chinese symbols often work well on the neck as do small religious symbols or a loved one’s initials

Rib and Foot Tattoos – Hot and Sexy Tattoo Locations For Women

The rib and foot area are the two most painful parts of the body to get tattooed yet they are still the top picks of women nowadays when it comes to tattoo locations. They seem to be the new replacement for lower back tattoos especially because of the fact that that area has been labeled as a tramp stamp. Megan Star is the most popular sexy celebrity to have tattoos on the rib. She has a textual theme with with the phrase there was once a girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart written down on her rib cage. A lot of women seem to be following her lead as phrases, verses and quotations inked on the ribs seem to be becoming the new trend nowadays. Since the rib cage is a big canvas to work on, there is ample space enough to accommodate larger tattoo theme like these. Other popular designs for rib tattoos for girls and women are flowers such as cherry blossom, lotus and lilies

Sleeve Tattoos - How To Design A Half Sleeve Tattoo

Half Sleeve tattoos remain very popular. The design normally is a tattoo that normally wraps around the upper arm completely from the shoulder to the elbow. People call the tattoos that are made around the arm from the elbow to the wrist as a quarter sleeve tattoo because the lower arm is smaller than the upper arm. The half sleeve tattoos can be customized over pre existing tattoos by connecting the new design with the old ones.

Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life

Tribal art tattoos look great, but more importantly, every tribal design has a deeper meaning. When choosing a tribal tattoo, you should consider these meanings, and make sure that you believe in the statement that you are making.

Choosing A Tribal Design Tattoo

There are several different tribal tattoo designs to choose from. There are tribal zodiac designs, suns and stars, religious symbols, and even tribal band tattoos. Each design has a meaning, be it spiritual or societal. This has been the case since ancient times, when tattoos were used either to mark affiliation with a group, or religious, magical, or spiritual beliefs.

What Is a Tribal Tattoo and Why Are They So Popular

What Is a Tribal Tattoo and Why Are They So Popular

So just what is a tribal tattoo? Tattoos are becoming more and more popular these days and the design that is at the top of the list, especially for men is the tribal tattoo. Here you will learn what a tribal tattoo is and why they are so popular.

The term tribal tattoo is any resemblance of a tattoo design that has its origins with the many tribes throughout the world.

In earlier days these designs took on different meanings from one tribe to the next. These tattoos were put on people to represent many things: religious symbols, talismans, charms, indicators of status or position, or simply as adornment.

Women Rib Tattoos - Sexy Body Tattoo Design For Women

If yu are a tattoo enthusiast, women rib tattoos are considered to be the sexiest location to get a body ink. However, getting a tattoo at the side of your rib is not for the faint hearted. Side rib tattoo is being done on the part which is very close to the bone, the pain during the tattoo process will be more intense because there is less flesh to cushion the penetrating needle.Women Rib TattoosWhen getting a tattoo on the rib, choosing the right design is very important. When selecting a pattern, it is best to choose a big design since the space on your rib is quite large. With a big design, most probably it will take you more than one session to complete the tattoo. Therefore, a girl getting a tattoo on her rib can be a very long and painful experience.
Women Rib TattoosGenerally a rib body ink is done from the hip to the area underneath the armpit. Alternatively, the ink can also be placed from the lower stomach all the way to the side of the breast. For women who are adventurous, the tattoo can even be drawn all the way to the nipple.
Women Rib TattoosSome of the most common tattoo design on the ribs of women are flowers with complete leaves and stems and covered with vibrant colors. Some of the most popular flowers tattoo designs preferred by women are lilies, roses, lotus, hibiscus, cherry blossom, orchids etc. Floral tattoos on the rib cage is very attractive and portray a sense of femininity.
Women Rib TattoosFemale rib tattoos are really sexy because it shows the shape and natural curves of a woman's body. Since the ink is so close to her breast, it automatically makes the tattoo look extra sexy and attractive. If you are planning to get a new tattoo and you can tolerate the pain, a tattoo on the side of your rib can be a good choice.

Japanese Tattoo Designs

Japanese Tattoo DesignsWhen a country has conjured-up one of the most amazing styles of body art around, how on earth can it be so idiotic as to ban it? This is a question that tattoo enthusiasts have been deliberating over for a number of decades now, but luckily for us, this style has broken out of the Far East and has made it to our shores.
Japanese Tattoo DesignsJapanese tattoo designs really do make for some of the most impressive pieces of body art you are ever likely to see; Fact! The use of color and black and grey shading will grab anyone's attention and as this style is so versatile, it will look great when applied to any part of the body.
Japanese Tattoo DesignsOne of the main central themes is dragons. These legendary beasts always include very detailed work: literally down to the last scale on the dragon's body. The dragons will often be colored with very vibrant shades which will then be surrounded by plenty of panelling or swirls. A black background helps to make the central feature stand out.
Japanese Tattoo DesignsOther popular features include Geisha girls and coy fish. Coy fish look especially great as a forearm piece and are even more effective when surrounded by Japanese wave patterns. Include some water lilies within this design and you will have a fashionable and awesome Japanese piece to treasure.

Women Rib Tattoos - Sexy Body Tattoo Design For Women

If you are a tattoo enthusiast, women rib tattoos are considered to be the sexiest location to get a body ink. However, getting a tattoo at the side of your rib is not for the faint hearted. Side rib tattoo is being done on the part which is very close to the bone, the pain during the tattoo process will be more intense because there is less flesh to cushion the penetrating needle.Women Rib TattoosWhen getting a tattoo on the rib, choosing the right design is very important. When selecting a pattern, it is best to choose a big design since the space on your rib is quite large. With a big design, most probably it will take you more than one session to complete the tattoo. Therefore, a girl getting a tattoo on her rib can be a very long and painful experience.
Women Rib TattoosGenerally a rib body ink is done from the hip to the area underneath the armpit. Alternatively, the ink can also be placed from the lower stomach all the way to the side of the breast. For women who are adventurous, the tattoo can even be drawn all the way to the nipple.
Women Rib TattoosSome of the most common tattoo design on the ribs of women are flowers with complete leaves and stems and covered with vibrant colors. Some of the most popular flowers tattoo designs preferred by women are lilies, roses, lotus, hibiscus, cherry blossom, orchids etc. Floral tattoos on the rib cage is very attractive and portray a sense of femininity.
Women Rib TattoosFemale rib tattoos are really sexy because it shows the shape and natural curves of a woman's body. Since the ink is so close to her breast, it automatically makes the tattoo look extra sexy and attractive. If you are planning to get a new tattoo and you can tolerate the pain, a tattoo on the side of your rib can be a good choice.

Tribal Tattoos Make a Good Choice of Body Art

Tribal Tattoos Make a Good Choice of Body Art
Tribal Chest Tattoo
Black color has its own relevance in the tribal chest tattoo designs. It's the black ink that doesn't let the tribal chest tattoo die (fade) easily. It's due to its inimitable designs that these tattoos are still in demand. The most common found tribal chest tattoos exhibit Maori designs, Eskimo totems and Aztec sun clocks and the range is unending. Besides these, tribal chest tattoo designs are created with heavy lines and different hues. Tribal chest tattoos, which are well liked for their designs, are originated from Maori, Haida, Polynesian and Native American designs. What differentiates Tribal chest tattoos from other ones is its history of body decoration. Tribal Chest tattoos symbolize relationship shared between people in a group, family, social, etc. One can go for attractive, dazzling yet exceptional tribal chest tattoos in any season on any part of the body. He or she would bring himself on the brink of risk if by chance a tattoo is wrongly done or placed on his or her body.

Tribal Tattoos Make a Good Choice of Body Art
Combination of Traditional Tattoos with Tribal Tattoos
The unique combination of traditional tattoos with tribal tattoos has made it more popular among tattoo lovers. There are different well-accepted ways available in which a traditional tattoo can be combined with a tribal tattoo to lure a tattoo lover. It's really amazing to see that how a tribal tattoo develops over a period of time once it is carried on the body. Some of the most common ways of combining traditional tattoo with Tribal tattoos are: traditional tattoo may float above a line on the tribal tattoo or it may be located in the middle of the line. Tribal tattoo is easily synonymous with sharp points and angles. Another way which is quiet famous among people is surrounding the traditional tattoo with tribal tattoo. While looking deeply at the design you would come to know that it is actually the tribal design that tends to form an image. Undoubtedly, it is the creativity and the uniqueness in the tribal tattoo designs that have brought it in vogue. Sometimes, tattoo artists make an abstract tribal design combined with Celtic Tattoos. So, what are you waiting for, get ready for a colorful tribal designs incorporated with traditional tattoos to get a funny yet cool image.

Arm Tattoos For Men - Tribal, Armband, Skull and More Tattoo Design Tips

The arm tattoos for men seem to be an expression of our tough and rough side. For us guys, we would love to think that the ladies find it sexy and charming. As you may have noticed, the tats in the arms are easily seen as compared to other body parts. You can find a lot of men with body arts on their upper arm and arm sleeves. The designs also vary like tribal, skulls, and many others.

Arm tats are timeless and even though a lot of men are into back and chest tattoos, arm bands are always trendy. Whether you have a conservative or rebellious personality, this is a great addition to your physical features. Here are great design tips for your arm tattoos:

1. Flames
2. Fire-breathing dragons
3. Tribal designs
4. Skulls
5. Scorpions

More and more people are now willing to experiment on tats. Getting a tattoo is really easy. If you want, you can use the internet to locate body art shops in your area. Find a safe and reputed body ink artist in your area. The artist can provide you with great tips on the right designs. Always consider your personality when choosing the appropriate design. If you're funky or sporty, you can experiment on the most suitable body inks.

Price is another consideration when getting a tat. The quality body ink artists usually charge a reasonable price and this will depend on the area where you want the tat to be. For the arm tattoos for men, the charge is usually lower as compared to the chest or back tats. You can shop around for the best deals but here's a tip - never sacrifice quality with a low price.

The designs mentioned earlier as only some of the most poplar. There are still many other designs in the market that you can choose from like angels, heart, fairy, dolphin, nautical star, tiger, koi fish, and many others.

Men should spend some time in looking for the perfect arm tat that will suit their personality. Thanks to the internet, looking for the perfect body art is really easy. Conduct your search online by using any of the major search engines to find the arm tattoos for men. There are many websites on body arts that you can visit. This is your chance to find the best arm tattoos in the market. Go ahead and find a reputed body artist. If you can find one in your local area the better since you don't have to go someplace else.

Tribal Back Tattoos - something for everyone

Choosing to get a tattoo is one of the most important - and highly personal - decisions you will make. You will have to choose a design, a position, a color, a studio, an artist, and maybe even make more decisions than that. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't worry, because there's one design that's sure to give you some great ideas: tribal back tattoos.

If you're a man, you know that tribal tattoos are very popular. You probably have friends who have tattooed armbands that are made up of intricate line patterns or other symbols. Even if no one you know personally has a tattoo, you've definitely seen them on television and in movies. But have you ever thought about getting a tribal tattoo on your back?

Don't think that back tattoos are just for the ladies. Many men choose to get tattoos on their back, for a variety of reasons. One of these is that your back is a large space that is relatively consistent in terms of skin. This makes it a particularly convenient place to get a tattoo, because your artist has more space to work with and a more uniform canvas. Choosing a back tattoo means you'll end up saving money.

Tribal tattoos look great on the back because they are versatile designs. For example, a tribal tatoo could be a large sun with flames - a design that would look great in the center of your back. A Celtic knot would also look good here. If you want to get a tattoo across the shoulders, you could choose a design that is more linear. Obviously, you have lots of choices.

But tribal tattoos aren't just for the boys! Lots of women are starting to choose tribal designs when they get tattoos. The versatility of this particular design is one reason for its increasing popularity. If you have a particular ethnic heritage you're proud of, you can undoubtedly find a symbol that will look great as a tattoo.

Back tattoos are especially popular with women because they are extremely sexy. Many men are already attracted to the back, and a tribal tattoo can be a great way of drawing attention to your sexy curves and alluring figure. Back tattoos are also good because you can hide them if you need to - just make sure to wear a shirt that covers it completely.

Another consideration to keep in mind when you're looking for tribal tattoo designs is cost. Both the size and position of your tattoo determine how expensive it will be. If you get a tattoo on your back, you'll probably pay less than for other places, because it is a relatively easy place for artists to access. Also, if you choose color instead of monochrome, expect to pay a little more.

Tribal back tattoos are a great tattoo design choice because they're so versatile. No matter if you're a man or a woman, if you want color or monochrome, or if you want a big or small tattoo, tribal designs are sure to give you exactly what you want.

Capricorn Tribal Tattoo-Serene and Competent

capricorn tribal tattoo picture
image of capricorn tattooPeople must get nonplussed by the suave curves and the simplicity in this Capricorn tribal tattoo! It is as close to being a Capricorn nature as original in look. The tribal art instills this originality and clarity in it.

This black Capricorn tribal tattoo is ‘V’ shaped glyph tagged with a looped tail coming from its top-right part. It is predominantly brilliant. Like other Capricorn designs, this Capricorn tribal tattoo is also reflecting a kind of humorous, fantastic, easygoing, persevering, just, and surefooted appeals.

People sport with Capricorn tribal tattoo on different body parts, including arm, shoulder, back, lower back, chest, stomach, and legs.

Tag :capricorn tattoo design,capricorn tattoos,tribal capricorn tattoo,capricorn tattoo images,zodiac capricorn tattoos

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Ordering a Custom Temporary Tattoo For Your Business

Promote your business, entice school spirit, raise money, drive support for a cause; there are many great reasons to get a custom temporary tattoo. While the choice to get a custom temporary tattoo is an easy one, how to order one and what to consider when doing so can be difficult.

Fortunately, this article nails down the 5 elements you need to consider when ordering a custom temporary tattoo. Each element is simple and once you decide upon each you'll be well on your way to custom temporary tattoo success!

5 Elements to Consider When Ordering a Custom Tattoo:

1. The front design
Since the objective behind designing a custom tattoo is to make an impression, you'll want to use your logo or well known symbol. Using a business logo works well for brand building and a well-known symbol is more likely to draw attention and spark interest.

Simple enough; but there are a couple variations you can take advantage of to make your custom tattoos even more successful:

• If you operate a website, incorporate that site's URL on the front of the tattoo with your logo.
• For promoting a cause, start with a well-known symbol (like the pink ribbon or recycling symbol) and add the name of an individual or a meaningful date.

By incorporating your website and taking advantage of a well-known symbol or business logo, you can ensure that you are making the most of every impression your custom temporary tattoos will receive.

2. The back
A little known fact is that the back of the tattoo is just as customizable as the front. Take full advantage of this by including the company address, website and social media information. The majority of promotional, custom temporary tattoos are kept as opposed to worn. People will take them home and throw them on the counter or on a desk or keep them at the office. This turns your custom temporary tattoo into a business card of sorts-but one that stands out.

Information to include on the back of your tattoo:

• Name of your business or organization
• Website URL
• Facebook & Twitter information
• A coupon code or special offer

3. Size
The most popular custom temporary tattoo size is 2"x2". It's small enough that it can be applied and worn easily but large enough to accommodate contact information on the back. Plus, this is just the right size to fit into a wallet or pocket of a purse for easy transport to the home or office.

4. White Effect
When printing a temporary tattoo, there are 3 options regarding white ink: no white, spot white and flood white.

• No White: any areas of the design without color will print without ink, so that the skin shows through those areas
• Spot White: any areas of the design without color will print with white ink, so that that white ink-instead of the skin-shows through those areas
• Flood White: white ink will be printed underneath the entire tattoo, making the colors look more brilliant once transferred to the skin because the layer of white makes the image more opaque

Choosing the white effect for your custom tattoo depends upon your purpose. Do you want the tattoo to be applied to the skin or kept as a promotional product? For the latter, you'll want to go with either spot white or no white because that will look better on the tattoo paper. If it's more important that the tattoo look good once applied, then you want to choose flood white because, even though the tattoo will appear 'milky' on the paper, it will look great on the skin.

Generally, for the purposes of promotional tattoos, no white or spot white is chosen.

5. Quantity
Lastly, you need to determine what quantity you will order. Ordering quality tattoos printed on a press using silk screening technology means a minimum order quantity of 1,000 pieces because of how the machines are set up to run. As with anything else, the more you order, the less expensive each tattoo will be. Most companies offer quantity discounts at 5,000, 10,000, etc. Typically, 1,000 custom temporary tattoos will cost about $90.

So there you have it! The 5 elements to consider when ordering a custom temporary tattoo: design of the front and back, size, white effect and quantity. The custom temporary tattoo is one of the most inexpensive and unique promotional products, and outlining these elements also makes it very easy to order. Get yours today!

Hot and Sexy Japanese Tattoo Designs For Females - The Best in Feminine Tattoo Designs

Those who have a few tattoos probably know how hard and the time and effort it can take to find the perfect tattoo and the perfect design. It can almost be down right frustrating at times. It seems people are always wanting to find something that is different, unique, sexy and original. Well, right now is a great time to get a tattoo because the world of tattoo designs for women is growing at a super fast pace. In fact female tattoo designs are growing faster then any other segment of the industry. Thus has lead to a lot of new developments in tattoo designs for women. One of those is the use of traditional Japanese tattoo designs.

The Adaption

When most people think of Japanese tattoos and their designs images of the hardened Yakuza gangsters with full body tattoos comes to mind. yes for centuries tattooing was done in Japan on Yakuza and criminals. That is where many of the traditional and very beautiful designs came from. However, these designs have gone through a rebirth of sorts or a renaissance as of late. The designs have been taken apart and broken down and then brighter colors from new inks have been added in to make smaller, cute and feminine tattoo designs. For example the Koi fish was a very traditional Japanese tattoo for males. Yet many women are getting koi fish for the beauty and strength but they are not doing them on the whole back for the most part. Instead they are using bright colors of the koi fish and then adding in beautiful full color waves and splashed into a quarter sleeve design. The point here is one can easily take part of a much larger and more traditional design and adapt it to fit in a smaller and sexier area.

Popular Themes

There are a lot of very popular themes among Japanese tattoo designs. The symbolism and meaning behind these tattoo is very deep and rich and often embedded into the Japanese culture and religion. For those of us getting a Japanese tattoo here in the west it can be smart to find out about the meaning and symbolism of the tattoo before getting it inked on your body permanently. Here are some of the hottest and sexiest designs for females right now.

Koi Fish

Typically one would not think of a fish as beautiful. Unless of course you are a fisherman or love to eat fish. However, for the Japanese and many westerners the Koi fish represents the spirit of individuality and going against the norm or status quo. It is believed that koi fish typically swim back up stream to mate. Thus makes them very unusually int he fish world and an obvious sign of strength on their part. Therefore they can make for a wonderfully symbolic tattoo and design. Also with the new brightness in the inks available the water and gold of a koi fish really stand out.

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms are another deeply historical and symbolic for the Japanese. They are also seen as a thing of great beauty. In fact many Japanese will go and visit a local park just to see the Cherry Blossoms. However, they also represent the impermanence of life and how life like a flower can be very beautiful but also fragile.

Finding An Artist

Another very important thing to consider if you are wanting to get a sexy and feminine Japanese tattoo is the artist that is going to ink the work on your skin. You want to find someone who will not only listen to your ideas but also provide feedback and input to help you refine your ideas. It is also beneficial to try and find someone with background in Japanese tattoo designs. Thus they can help you understand the symbolism behind certain parts of the tattoo and certain designs.

Sexy Locations

Of course there are a ton of locations that are very sexy on a females body and also many areas that work well with a tattoo. Of course there is always the lower back design. There is also the front top of the hip, the foot, thigh and neck. Any of these places can easily be considered for a great looking hot and sexy female tattoo design.

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The majority of the women will finish looking to the top a group of generic tattooing of trunk female on the Web. Anyhow hard the majority of the people test, they always finish to the top with the speed reading by the bottom-of-the-range galleries, which do not have anything but by the drawing-model and not much of another credits to be offered. This occurs for a specific reason and it can be avoided for the majority. I will tell you a good manners to discover the galleries of tattooing of quality to obtain there a catch of great tattooing of trunk female.

Foot Tattoos Words

Picture gallery of word foot tattoos.
Positive inspiration words foot tattoo.
Think happy thought word foot tattoo.
Beautiful saying foot tattoo idea.
Double foot word tattoos.

Stars Foot Tattoo Ideas

Gallery of super cool star foot tattoos for men and women.
Several stars foot tattoo idea.
Five stars small to large foot tattoo.
Three big stars foot tattoo picture.
Black stars foot tattoo.
Small stars foot tattoo idea for women.

Foot Tattoos For Men

Feet tattoos aren't just for women, checkout these foot tattoo ideas for men.
Heavy tribal foot tattoo idea for men.
Heart and dagger foot tattoo for guys.
Colorful dragon foot tattoo.
The truth is out there foot tattoo for men.
Sneaker foot tattoo for men.