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Different Tattoo Lettering Designs

Over the centuries people have used pictures to display their intentions for all to see; however, as with every new era, a new phenomenon is emerging in the form of tattoo lettering. Italic tattoo lettering is one of hundreds of font styles for you to choose from. However the italic font is one that shows off the most class and is an absolutely beautiful way to express yourself.

A popular, yet personal, way that many people choose to incorporate lettering into a tattoo is to have it within or accompanying a picture tattoo. In that way you can feature the best of both worlds in one tattoo and still keep the personal meaning you want.

While the most popular and commonly thought of color to use is black, do not limit yourself. Try your favorite color or a mixture of colors, even a rainbow within the text, to give your italic tattoo lettering a higher sense of creativity, uniqueness and personality. After all, your tattoo will speak about you and for you for the rest of your life.

Choosing what text to ink on your body is probably the second most important thing to consider when deciding on getting italic tattoo lettering, the first being the font itself. You want something that is meaningful and uniquely yours, yet at the same time you probably do not want a tattoo that will either upset or throw people for a loop when trying to figure out what it means and then why you chose it. That is, of course, unless that is your intention.

Another thing you should put under high consideration is where to put your italic tattoo lettering. Many people, men and women alike, are opting to have it inked on their backs. The main reason being is that your back is the largest and most flat area of your body, which makes it a great blank canvas for many different tattoos, especially those that are larger or contain phrases. Women seem to find that putting italic tattoo lettering on their lower backs adds a bit of sex appeal, while men seem to use their entire back for such displays.

Either way you go, it is sure to be a great piece that you will treasure for the rest of your life. Whether you want to have your name, your child’s name (or your children’s names), your zodiac sign, your pet’s name, your favorite phrase or anything else you can think of, italic tattoo lettering is the perfect solution for just about everything.

Remember to put some thought into where you want to put your italic tattoo lettering since that will be a permanent mark for years to come; and, of course, do not forget to be creative in the color or colors you choose. You want to make this something that is yours and yours alone. No matter what you choose to write and where you choose to write it, it is sure to be a striking piece of art that everyone will enjoy.

Flower Tattoo Designs

If you are planning to get a permanent tattoo, remember, a good body ink can be expensive and painful too. Price wise, black color tattoos are always cheaper in comparison to colored ones. To care for the tattoo, you have to take care of your skin for a week after the ink has been marked permanently into your skin. You must also apply cream on it daily.

If you are looking for a good tattoo design, why not consider flower patterns. Flower designs are unique because they are often combined with butterflies and hearts. Different types of flowers will portray different meaning. With so many types of flowers available, the choices are endless.

The job of a good tattoo artist is to enhance the design is such a way that a simple flower pattern also looks unique and marvelous. The cost of getting inked usually depends on the size and the complexity of the tattoo. Many floral tattoo designs can be found on the web which you can and print it out and hand it to your tattoo artist.

Nowadays, tattoos are so much in trend that there are so many tattoo parlors around us. Make sure you choose a professional tattoo artist for this purpose as a tattoo will be etched to your body forever.

Before you proceed with inking the flower design, you must be relaxed and clam and must be mentally prepared for the amount of pain you are going to experience. The tattoo artist will use a gun shaped apparatus with colored pigment to draw the outline of the flower on your skin. Next, different colors will be painted to bring out the brilliance of the floral design.

Remember, permanent tattoos are forever. If you wish to remove it, you have to go through some painful ordeal. To remove your tattoo, you can go for either Intense Pulsed Light Therapy or Surgical Excision. Both procedure for tattoo removal are painful and will leave a long lasting scar.

Are you looking for more flower tattoo designs for a new ink? If you are, check out the Chopper Tattoo and Tattoo Me Now web sites. These are online portals with large collection of unique tattoo designs on the web. With so many patterns in their inventory, you are bound to find your perfect floral pattern for your new tattoo. Are these online tattoo patterns directory worth your investment? Do your own research by reading all the Chopper Tattoo reviews and TattooMeNow reviews on the internet to find the answer.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Many girls looking to get a butterfly tattoo eventually have to decide on size. This can be the hardest decision when getting a butterfly tattoo.

Size can make all the difference. You can have the best butterfly tattoo there is, but if it’s not the proper size then it can look not as good as it should.

Let’s look at the big vs. small option you have with butterfly designs:

BIG BUTTERFLY DESIGN. Honestly, a big butterfly can look pretty ridiculous. Butterflies are usually small, delicate, and beautiful creatures and trying to blow them up into mega insects doesn’t always work. However, there are some designs out there that can work well blown up big and beautiful, but in general you probably want to lean on the side of smaller is better for this design.

Now, having said that:

SMALL BUTTERFLY DESIGN. There are some TINY butterfly tattoos out there that look more like mosquito’s than beautiful butterflies. Going TOO SMALL is definitely not doing the butterfly justice. This is a great tattoo to get and you should take advantage of the beautiful, colorful and intricate quality this design possesses. Going too small won’t cut it.

Recommending a “medium size” can be too vague as some peoples mediums are other peoples extra larges. And body size and tattoo placement can distort what medium means from person to person.

Conclusion: Lean towards a smaller sized butterfly as opposed to something big, but don’t make it tiny! Play around with different small sizes and you should see the correct size “pop out” at you when the proportion is correct, and the detail is present.